Heritable Disorders - About the Committee

Charter (PDF - 63 KB)

Membership (PDF - 142 KB)

Authorizing Legislation

Public Health Service Act 42 U.S.C. 217a(link is external) (PDF - 214 KB)

Title XI § 1111 (42 U.S.C. § 300b-10)(link is external) (PDF - 208 KB)

Organizational Representatives

The Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) may invite up to 15 organizations to serve as Organizational Representatives. These organizations should have wide-ranging newborn screening and heritable disorders interests. In addition, their work should inform the activities of the ACHDNC.

Eligible organizations must represent national public health constituencies, medical professional societies, or consumer/family advocacy organizations with large, broad constituencies. Only organizations with broad interest or involvement in newborn screening are eligible and only if it is deemed that representation is necessary to effectively carry out the functions of the ACHDNC.

Organizational Representatives participate in ACHDNC meetings to provide relevant expertise and perspectives to committee members during their deliberations and discussions. Organizational Representatives do not vote and are not considered official members of the ACHDNC.


Leticia Manning, MPH
Commander, United States Public Health Service
Designated Federal Official
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs

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