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Contact Information

Put contact information on different lines.

  • Use an organization’s website name as the link text.
  • Display teletypewriter (TTY) information like phone numbers.

American Institute of Dental Public Health(link is external)
John Smith, B.S., J.D., Regional Administrator
Phone: 800-555-5542
TTY: 800-985-5990

Note: You may also place TTY after the phone number, for example: 800-985-5990 (TTY)


  • Spell out numbers First through Ninth in addresses. For 10 and above, use the numerals of the building and street name.
    • 333 Seventh Ave.
    • 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
  • Always shorten avenue (Ave.), street (St.), and boulevard (Blvd.) with numbered addresses. Spell out all other words. For example: alley, circle, drive, and road.
    • 10 Main St.
    • Main Street USA
    • 25 Raspberry Falls Road
  • Shorten compass directions without periods.
    • Independence Ave. SW
    • 101 N Jefferson St.
  • Spell out numbered floors.
    Example: Second Floor
  • Use all-caps for ZIP and always lowercase the word code.
  • Use the uppercase abbreviated two-letter U.S. Post Office standard for states and territories.
  • Do not put a comma between the state name and the ZIP code.
    Example: Atlanta, GA 30333

Email addresses

Spell out the email address as the link text or use the word email next to the name: or email John Smith.

Telephone numbers

  • Use dashes between numbers.
    Example: 202-720-4623
  • If a phone number uses letters, also include the numeral-only version.
    Example: Call the CDC toll-free at 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
  • If you need to include an extension number, use a comma to separate the phone number from the extension.
    Example: 606-439-3557, ext. 83689
  • For international numbers from the United States, use 011, the country code, the city code, and the telephone number.
    Example: 011-44-20-7535-1515
  • Shorten teletypewriter to TTY and place either prior to the phone number with a colon or after the phone number in parentheses.
    Examples: TTY: 888-232-6348 or 888-232-6348 (TTY)

States and commonwealths

  • Shorten state names in addresses and in charts or tables. Use Postal Service style instead of AP style.
U.S. Postal Service Style – CorrectAP Style – Incorrect
MS, MO, MN, or MIMiss., Mo., Minn., or Mich.
  • In text, spell out state names. Follow city and state names with commas in the middle of a sentence.
    Example: She hails from Bend, Oregon, but currently resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • The word state must be lowercase when used as an adjective.
    Example: There’s an annual fair in the state of Maine.
  • The same rule applies for commonwealths (that is, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia). Use commonwealth for formal text and state in all other instances.
    • The commonwealth of Kentucky filed a suit.
    • Virginia is one state that still grows tobacco.
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