Aggregate data as of February 1, 2025
The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) provides compensation for covered serious injuries or deaths that, based on compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence, are found to be directly caused by the administration or use of a covered countermeasure or are determined to meet the requirements of a countermeasure injury table. Temporal association between the administration or use of the covered countermeasure and onset of the injury (i.e., the injury occurs a certain time after the administration or use) is not sufficient, by itself, to prove that an injury is the direct result of a covered countermeasure.
It is important to note that the CICP data only captures the alleged countermeasure(s) and the alleged injuries that CICP requesters list on their Request for Benefits forms (RFB) or claim. The countermeasure or injury listed by the requester on the RFB may or may not be consistent with the requester’s medical documentation or the injury resulting in compensation. While requesters are required to identify the alleged countermeasure on their RFB form, they are not required to list the specific manufacturer or trade name on their RFB form.
Furthermore, while requesters must submit their RFB form within 1 year from the administration or use of the covered countermeasure, requesters are permitted to submit the necessary medical records and other documentation, such as a copy of a requester’s COVID-19 vaccination record, after the RFB is filed. For the majority of COVID-19 countermeasure claims, including COVID-19 vaccine claims, the CICP is still waiting for records and documentation to be submitted.
CICP data for fiscal years 2010 – 2025 (as of February 1, 2025)
Total CICP claims ever filed: 14,234
- Pending review or in review: 9,941
- Decisions: 4,293
- Claims found eligible for compensation: 106
- Claims compensated: 56
- Claims pending benefits determination: 39
- Claims with no eligible reported expenses: 11
- Denied: 4,187
- Required medical records not submitted: 801
- Standard of proof not met and/or covered injury not sustained: 815
- Missed filing deadline: 2,196
- Not CICP covered product/not specified: 375
CICP decisions regarding COVID-19 claims
As of February 1, 2025, the CICP has rendered 3,730 decisions on COVID-19 claims. See below for more COVID-19 data on claims filed, administrative and medical eligibility decisions, and benefits determinations.
CICP data for COVID-19 claims (as of February 1, 2025)
Total COVID-19 CICP claims filed: 13,659
- Pending Review or In Review: 9,929
- Decisions: 3,730
- Claims found eligible for compensation: 66
- Claims compensated: 26
- Claims pending benefits determination: 39
- Claims with no eligible reported expenses: 1
- Denied: 3,664
- Requested medical records not submitted: 666
- Standard of proof not met and/or covered injury not sustained: 590
- Missed filing deadline: 2,153
- Not CICP covered product/not specified: 255
Detailed CICP claims data
CICP claims data is provided below in categories pertaining to their status.
Table 1. Alleged COVID-19 countermeasure claims filed as of February 1, 2025
Table 2. Non-COVID-19 countermeasure claims filed as of February 1, 2025
Table 3. CICP claims pending compensation as of February 1, 2025
Table 4. CICP claims compensated (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025) as of February 1, 2025
Table 5. CICP claims eligible for compensation, but no eligible reported losses or expenses (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025) as of February 1, 2025
Table 6. CICP claims denied compensation because required medical records were not submitted (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025) as of February 1, 2025
Table 7. CICP claims denied compensation for not meeting the standard of proof and/or a covered injury was not sustained (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025) as of February 1, 2025
Table 8. CICP ineligible claims due to missing the filing deadline (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025) as of February 1, 2025
Table 9. Ineligible claims for products not covered by the CICP (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025) as of February 1, 2025
Table 10. CICP ineligible claims due to not alleging any countermeasure administration or use (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025) as of February 1, 2025