  1. Inicio
  2. Members


The TAC delegates are elected officials of Tribal governments acting in their official roles. The TAC consists of twelve seats. Each seat represents one of the twelve Indian Health Service geographic areas.

These areas are: 

  • Alaska
  • Albuquerque
  • Bemidji
  • Billings
  • California
  • Great Plains
  • Nashville
  • Navajo
  • Oklahoma City
  • Phoenix 
  • Portland
  • Tucson

There is one delegate and one alternative delegate for each area.  A chosen alternate may attend TAC meetings in place of the delegate when that delegate cannot attend.

Get to know the TAC

Delegate Biographies (PDF - 759 KB)
Delegate Regions (PDF - 612 KB)
HRSA Tribal Advisory Council Membership (PDF - 128 KB)

How can I serve on the TAC?

HRSA will announce TAC vacancies and request nominations from federally recognized Tribes. Only federally recognized Tribes may nominate TAC delegates and their alternates. 

For more information on applying, please read the TAC Charter (PDF - 79 KB).

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