Thank you for viewing the Federal Rural Partners Roundtable webinar. Browse this list of federal resources for more information on these programs.
United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA Rural Health Resources: Use these resources to improve health in rural communities.
- Agricultural Science Center for Excellence in Nutrition and Diet (ASCEND) Nutrition Hubs: Learn about how our food choices can impact our health.
- WIC – Pregnancy Warning Signs: Get information on problems that can occur before and during pregnancy.
- Farm and Ranch Stress Program: Get stress assistance if you work in farming, ranching, and other agriculture-related jobs.
Veterans Affairs
- VA Women’s Health: Pregnant women can connect to resources and services to help them have a smooth maternity care experience.
- VA Office of Rural Health: This office helps veterans who live in rural communities.
- VA women’s health mini residencies: This program trains clinicians to provide health care to women veterans.
Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
- Rural Health Information Hub: Get information and tools to improve health in your rural community.
- Rural Health Research Gateway: Get access to publications and projects we fund through the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy.
- Maternal Health Webinar Series
- Rural Maternal Health Series: Obstetric Readiness in Rural Facilities Without Birth Units - This webinar is fourth in a series on rural maternal health.
- Rural Maternal Health Series: Implementing Patient Safety Bundles in Rural Hospitals - This webinar is third in a series on rural maternal health.
- Rural Maternal Health Series: Engaging with Perinatal Quality Collaboratives for Rural Hospitals - This webinar is second in a series on rural maternal health.
- Rural Maternal Health Series: Achieving Birthing-Friendly Status in Rural Hospitals - Learn about the new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Birthing-Friendly designation and how to earn it.
- Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies (RMOMS) Program - This program helps increase access to maternal and obstetrics care in rural communities.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Birthing Friendly Designation: Use the Care Compare tool to find a hospital or health system with the ‘Birthing-Friendly’ designation in your area.
- CMS Framework for Advancing Health Care in Rural, Tribal and Geographically Isolated Communities (PDF - 4 MB): Learn about six priorities that CMS is focusing on to improve care for people in these communities.
- Sign up for the CMS Rural Health Listserv to get updates on CMS programs.
- Transforming Maternal Health Model: Learn how this model helps people enrolled in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
- Maternal Care Action Plan: (PDF - 299 KB) This report addresses five gaps for people receiving maternity care from CMS program providers. Learn what CMS is doing to address each.
- Advancing Rural Maternal Health: (PDF - 2 MB) Find out what the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Office of Minority Health did as part of its Rural Maternal Health Initiative from June 2019 and November 2021.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Implementing a Maternal Health and Pregnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative: Learn what NIH is doing to reduce maternal deaths and improve health for women before, during, and after pregnancy.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center (EBPRC): Get information and tools you can use in communities or clinical settings for the prevention, treatment of, and recovery from substance use disorder (SUD), opioid use disorder (OUD), and mental disorders.
- Some helpful resources from EBPRC:
- Rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Training Grant: Recruit and train EMS personnel in rural areas who treat substance use disorders (SUD) and co-occurring disorders (COD).
- Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Regional Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Regional Centers (ROTA Centers (ROTA--R)): Develop and disseminate training and technical assistance to address opioid and stimulant use affecting rural communities.
- State Opioid Response (SOR) and Tribal State Opioid Response (SOR) and Tribal Opioid Response (TOR) Technical Assistance Opioid Response (TOR) Technical Assistance: Learn how to address opioid and stimulant misuse and use disorders in people, families, and communities.
- Task Force on Maternal Mental Health aims to improve maternal mental health care and address co-occurring substance use disorders.
- Maternal Mental Health Learning Collaborative Webinar series provides education, training, and resources in maternal mental health care to providers.
- Community-Based Maternal Behavioral Health Services Program funds the development and expansion of maternal behavioral health services.
- Task Force on Maternal Mental Health: National Strategy to Improve Maternal Mental Health Care: (PDF - 3 MB) A report for Congress addressing women’s health.
- Services Program for Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women is a program that helps women with substance use disorders to get support and sustain recovery.
- State Pilot Program for Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women provides services for pregnant and postpartum women with a primary diagnosis of a substance use disorder (SUD), emphasizing the treatment of opioid use disorders; (2) helps state substance use agencies provide outpatient treatment and recovery support services for pregnant and postpartum women with SUD; and (3) promotes a coordinated system of SUD care within each state.
- HRSA Announces $27.5 Million in Funding Opportunities Enhancing Women’s Behavioral Health
- Women’s Behavioral Health Technical Assistance Center helps train women’s behavioral health providers, general healthcare providers, and others involved in the holistic care of women.
- Advisory Committee for Women’s Services (ACWS): Advises the Associate Administrator for Women Services and the SAMHSA Administrator on appropriate activities for women’s substance abuse and mental health services.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Rural Public Health Strategic Plan: Represents the agency's key priorities for working with federal partners to improve the health of people living in rural America.
- Perinatal Quality Collaboratives: Work at the state level to improve the quality of care for mothers and babies.
- Hear Her Campaign: Share life-saving messages about urgent maternal warning signs and offer resources for women who are pregnant or postpartum.
Indian Health Services
- Maternal and Child Health Program: serves to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) pregnant women and children to the highest level.
- Maternity Care Coordinator Program: improves maternal safety and access to care during pregnancy and postpartum.
- Indian Country ECHO series-Care and Access for Pregnant Women: A virtual continuing education platform for staff and community leaders caring for Indigenous pregnant women.
- Obstetric Readiness in the Emergency Department (ObRED): Coming soon – a manual for health care organizations in locations without labor and delivery services.
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