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  5. State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) Program

State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) Program

We fund State Offices of Rural Health to solve rural health problems.

How does the SORH Program help states?

All 50 states have a SORH. These offices differ in size, scope, and structure. The services and resources they provide vary.

Where can I find a SORH in my state?

You can find most SORHs within a state health department. Universities or non-profit organizations run some SORHs.

Each SORH’s activities depend on the needs in their state. SORHs may help:

  • Keep providers aware of new health care activities
  • Collect and share data and resources
  • Offer technical assistance for funding and health care improvement
  • Help recruit and retain rural health care workers

If you’re in the SORH Program and have questions, contact the Project Officer in your state.

Which states qualify for the SORH Program?

States with SORHs can apply. The governor chooses one grantee from each state.

How do SORHs support rural communities? 

In 2021, SORHs provided technical assistance to over 24,000 entities in rural communities across the country. Including:

  • Local governments
  • Rural communities
  • Rural hospitals and clinics
  • Rural healthcare providers
  • Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers
  • Academic institutions
  • Social service agencies

Across all 50 states, SORHs provided over 18,000 webinars and 53,000 in-depth telephone interactions to meet the needs in rural communities.

If you need technical assistance or have questions about rural health in your state contact your State Office of Rural Health(link is external).

Contact Us

SORH Program Coordinator
Sarah Ndiang’ui
Phone: 301-443-0876

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