
Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages

Committee’s official designation

The Committee shall be known as the Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages (ACICBL or "Advisory Committee").


The ACICBL is required by section 757 (42 U.S.C. § 294f) of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act. The Advisory Committee is governed by provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C. Chapter 10), as amended.

Objectives and scope of activities

The ACICBL provides advice and recommendations on policy and program development to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) concerning the activities authorized under Part D of Title VII of the PHS Act, which include Area Health Education Centers, Geriatrics, Rural Health, Allied Health, Podiatry, Chiropractic, Mental and Behavioral Health, Pain Care, and Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.

The ACICBL is responsible for submitting an annual report to the Secretary and Congress describing the activities of the Advisory Committee, including findings and recommendations made by the Committee concerning the activities under Part D of Title VII. In addition, the Advisory Committee develops, publishes, and implements performance measures and guidelines for longitudinal evaluations, as well as recommends appropriation levels for programs under Part D of Title VII. 

Description of duties

The ACICBL shall:

  • Provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary concerning policy and program development and other matters of significance concerning activities under Part D of Title VII of the PHS Act 
  • Prepare and submit to the Secretary, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions of the Senate, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, an annual report describing the activities of the Advisory Committee, including findings and recommendations made by the Advisory Committee concerning activities authorized under Part D of Title VII of the PHS Act 
  • Develop, publish, and implement performance measures for programs authorized under this part
  • Develop and publish guidelines for longitudinal evaluations (as described in PHS Act section 761(d)(2) (42 U.S.C. § 294n(d)(2)) for programs authorized under this part
  • Recommend appropriation levels for programs authorized under this part

Agency or official to whom the committee reports

The ACICBL provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary. The Advisory Committee prepares and submits annual reports to the Secretary; the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions of the Senate; and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives.


Management and support services are provided by the Bureau of Health Workforce of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). 

Estimated annual operating costs and staff years

The estimated annual cost for operating the ACICBL, including compensation and travel expenses for members but excluding staff support is $66,814. Estimated staff support required is 1.00 FTE years at an estimated annual cost of $258,486.

Designated federal officer (DFO)

A federal employee, appointed in accordance with Agency procedure, will serve as the Designated Federal Official (DFO) and ensure that all procedures are within applicable statutory, regulatory, and HHS General Administration Manual directives. In the event that the DFO cannot fulfill the assigned duties of the committee, one or more employees will be assigned as DFO and carry out these duties on a temporary basis.

The DFO (or designee appointed to serve as DFO) approves and prepares all meeting agendas, calls all Advisory Committee or subcommittee meetings, attends all Advisory Committee and subcommittee meetings, adjourns any meeting when the DFO (or designee appointed to serve as DFO) determines adjournment to be in the public interest, and chairs meetings when directed to do so by the HRSA Administrator or in the absence of the Advisory Committee Chair.

Estimated number and frequency of meetings

The ACICBL shall meet not less than three times each year. Each meeting must be called or approved by the DFO. Such meetings shall be held jointly with other related entities established under Title VII of the PHS Act, where appropriate.

Meetings shall be open to the public except as determined otherwise by the Secretary or DFO in accordance with the Government in the Sunshine Act (5 U.S.C. § 552b(c)) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2), as amended. Notice of all meetings shall be given to the public. Meetings shall be conducted, and records of the proceedings kept, as required by applicable laws and departmental regulations.




Unless renewed by appropriate action prior to its expiration, the ACICBL charter will terminate two years from the date the charter is filed.

Membership and designation

The ACICBL consists of up to 14 members appointed by the Secretary for a term of 3 years. The Secretary shall appoint the members from among individuals who are health professionals from schools of the types described in PHS Act sections 751(b)(1)(A), 753(b), and 755(b). In making such appointments, the Secretary shall ensure a fair balance between the health professions, that at least 75 percent of the members of the Advisory Committee are health professionals, a broad geographic representation of members, and a balance between urban and rural members. The Secretary shall also ensure the adequate representation of women and minorities.  

Members shall be appointed based on their competence, interest, and knowledge of the mission of the profession involved. One member shall be selected as Chair and one member shall be selected as Vice Chair. Members are appointed as Special Government Employees. A quorum is a majority of the members who have been appointed to the Advisory Committee. 

A vacancy on the Advisory Committee shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made and shall be subject to any conditions which applied with respect to the original appointment. An individual chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the unexpired term of the member replaced. 


Standing and ad hoc subcommittees, composed of members of the parent committee, may be established with the approval of the Secretary or designee to perform specific functions within the ACICBL's jurisdiction. Subcommittees must report back to the parent Advisory Committee and do not provide advice or work products directly to the Department or HRSA. The Department's Committee Management Officer will be notified upon the establishment of each subcommittee and will be provided information on the subcommittee's name, membership, function, and estimated frequency of meetings.


Records of the Advisory Committee, formally and informally established subcommittees, or other subgroups of the Advisory Committee, shall be handled in accordance with General Records Schedule 6.2, or other approved agency records disposition schedule. These records shall be available for public inspection and copying, subject to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552.

Filing Date

March 24, 2023


March 23, 2023

Carole Johnson
Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration


Download the charter (PDF - 39 KB)

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